How to Inflate and Deflate Your Self-Inflating & Air Sleeping Mats: A Complete Guide

Self-inflating sleeping mats offer unparalleled comfort and convenience for camping and outdoor adventures, providing a much-needed layer of insulation and cushioning between you and the ground. However, mastering the art of inflation and deflation is crucial for maximizing their lifespan and enjoying a restful night's sleep. Many users struggle with achieving optimal firmness or experience frustration with the deflation process, leading to unnecessary wear and tear. Understanding the nuances of your specific mat is key to a successful experience.

This complete guide will walk you through the entire process, from the initial inflation techniques to efficiently and completely deflating your self-inflating sleeping pad. We'll explore various methods for both inflation and deflation, helping you choose the best approach for your mat and personal preference. Ready to learn the secrets to perfectly inflating and deflating your mat? Let's dive into the step-by-step instructions below.

Safety Guidelines

  • Always inspect your sleeping mat for any punctures or damage before each use. Small holes can significantly impact inflation and comfort.
  • Never overinflate your sleeping mat. Overinflation can cause damage and potentially lead to injury. Follow the manufacturer's recommended inflation level.
  • Use caution when deflating your mat, especially if using a valve with a quick-release function. Sudden deflation could cause the mat to spring open unexpectedly.

Methods: Inflating Self-Inflating Mats

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Self-Inflation

    • Open the valve fully.
    • Leave the mat to self-inflate.
    Leave the mat to self-inflate.Leave the mat to self-inflate.
  2. Fine-Tuning Firmness

    • Top up to desired firmness by adding air through the one-way valve.


  • For minor adjustments, release air by pressing in the center of the open valve.

Methods: Inflating Air Mats

Tools Needed

  • Inflation sack

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Preparing for Inflation with Inflation Sack

    • Attach the inflation sack valve to the mat valve.
    • Open the top of the inflation sack to capture air.
    Open the top of the inflation sack to capture air.Open the top of the inflation sack to capture air.
    Preparing for Inflation with Inflation Sack
  2. Inflating with Inflation Sack

    • Roll the top over or pinch it, then press down firmly to force air into the mat.
    Roll the top over or pinch it, then press down firmly to force air into the mat.
    Inflating with Inflation Sack
  3. Improving Stability During Inflation (Optional)

    • For stability, place your foot through the loop on the bottom of the sack.
    For stability, place your foot through the loop on the bottom of the sack.
    Improving Stability During Inflation (Optional)


  • Using the inflation sack reduces moisture buildup and keeps the mat performing well.
  • Avoid blowing up the mat with your mouth to prevent mold and maintain thermal properties.

Methods: Deflating Self-Inflating and Air Mats

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Deflating Self-Inflating and Air Mats

    • Lay the mat down with the valve pointing up.
    • Open the valve fully.
    • Fold and roll the mat from the bottom to force air out.
    • Close the valve, unroll and fold it to get the pack size as small as possible.
    Close the valve, unroll and fold it to get the pack size as small as possible.Close the valve, unroll and fold it to get the pack size as small as possible.Close the valve, unroll and fold it to get the pack size as small as possible.Close the valve, unroll and fold it to get the pack size as small as possible.
    Deflating Self-Inflating and Air Mats

Common Mistakes to Avoid

1. Not fully opening the inflation valve

Reason: A partially opened valve restricts airflow, leading to incomplete inflation or slow inflation.
Solution: Ensure the valve is completely open before attempting to inflate the mat.

2. Forcing air into a closed valve

Reason: This can damage the valve mechanism or the internal structure of the mat.
Solution: Always double-check that the valve is fully open before inflating.

3. Improper deflation technique

Reason: Leaving air trapped in the mat can make packing it away difficult and can damage the mat over time.
Solution: Open all valves completely and roll the mat tightly from the opposite end of the valve to expel all air effectively.


My self-inflating sleeping pad isn't inflating fully. What should I do?
Several things could be causing this. First, check the valve is fully open and clear of debris. Try rolling the pad tightly from the foot to the head, this helps push air into the chambers. If the issue persists, try using a pump to finish inflating it. Make sure the pad is not punctured, and if it is, use a repair kit to fix it.